Hearing God in the Rockies

By November 22, 2016Stories

By: Naomi Wiebehorseandhills-jeans-photo

“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:21)

This week was one of the craziest weeks of my life. It was the beginning of my journey of hearing God speak into my life. I’m on a discipleship program called OUTTATOWN with the Canadian Mennonite University. This week was focused on listening to God and our visiting speaker was Steve from the MARK Centre.

One of the things God taught me this week was the simple yet difficult act of surrender. I came to the realization that I don’t need to do all the work. I just need to give it to God whose ways are far higher and greater than mine. That simple act of laying everything at Jesus’ feet comes with a rich reward.

We spent one day in silence at a Bible camp surrounded by rolling hills of Alberta farmland with the majestic Rockies in the distance. I had come into this week with so many doubts plaguing my mind and heart about God speaking to me. And God – faithful as He is – shattered those doubts and removed my fears.

I started my day by watching the sunrise and saw the exact moment that a ray of light touched the snow-capped mountains. I was in awe of the majesty and beauty of creation. As I sat there watching night turn into day, wrapped up in a sleeping bag and freezing my toes off, I prayed about my doubts and fears, and the barriers that prevent me from being a listener. As I was praying, I felt the vibration of horses galloping. An Appaloosa from the barn came charging towards an electric fence. It stopped, became frustrated, and trotted away snorting. As this happened again and again, I saw this horse as an image of myself. I put all this effort into running to God and trying to please Him. Met by barriers of my own making, I fail to reach Him, just as the horse couldn’t get past the fence.

I came into this day of silence very observant of events and divine “coincidences” that were happening around me. So I decided to lean into those feelings and convictions and I prayed, “Father, help my unbelief, get rid of my doubt, show yourself to me, and rule and reign in my heart today.” And He answered in the most unexpected way.

I fell asleep for the rest of the morning, which I was so angry about. And yet God knew that I needed rest. I believe God was teaching me to rest, to cease striving, and the two words “be still” took on a whole new meaning for me. I went on a hike in the afternoon and found a field where I danced, worshiped, and sang. I felt like Maria from the Sound of Music! I was running around in complete abandonment, like a child just enjoying their father’s presence. He was with me and I lacked nothing.

My thoughts started to wander and I remembered my grandma who passed away 4 years ago. I don’t think of her too often but when I do, I think of her up in heaven having conversations with God and watching me as I learn and grow. She taught me how to play the piano and two of her favorite hymns “Amazing Grace” and “How Great Thou Art”. The reminder of her that day spoke to me.10 minutes later, Steve played both these hymns on his trumpet!

What an awesome God we serve! He knows what we need before we ask or even know we need it. And He loves giving us good gifts! “He is with me, he takes great delight in me, He quiets me with His love and rejoices over me with singing.” (Zeph. 3:17)

God is teaching me that my relationship with Him isn’t one-sided. I need to make room to allow Him to move, speak, and work. I thought it was all up to me and I realize now how flawed my view of God was. It’s truly amazing what happens when we open the doors of our hearts and let Him in.

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

I’m learning to rest in our Father’s arms and letting him teach me to live freely and lightly. Where this will lead only he knows, but my ears have been opened and I believe I’m hearing the voice of a Loving God who wants relationship with me.


  • Marge says:

    Thank you Naomi for your heartfelt sharing…it truly touched me as I so desperately need to surrender to Him….blessings…

  • Geoff Gould says:

    Excellent lady. Naomi it was lovely to meet you at Camp Squeah! God is closer to us that we often realize, may we all listen well. Peace, Geoff

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